Starting to do smart-home appliances with ESP-Mesh

ESPMesh reduces the loading of smart light devices on the router by forming a mesh with the smart light device.”

I’ve started months ago getting some smart lights for home and I’ve chosen Osram since it was about half the price than Phillips VUE. But the thing with this systems, though they work nice and with very little configuration, is that you need always a “Gateway”. A central point that receives signals and then send via Radio frequency to the lights what they have to do.

The Espressif ESP-Mesh took a different approach: Every device is a network member making a Mesh of interconnected devices. There is no gateway because there is no need for one.

There is also a very important point that is very interesting if you are a maker like me. It’s open source. That means you don’t need to buy a 60€ light to test it, you can just go to the ESP-Mesh github repository and download ESP-Mesh-Light example to compile it in one of your existing ESP32 Boards. Then you can get easily something like this working :

So what I’m working on the free time to take a rest from another pending projects is to take this PWM output and amplify it using a 74HC125 Quad Bus Buffer to power more than one led.

For those interested in reproducing this example:

Command lines to execute the compilation are only 2:

make menuconfig
make erase_flash flash

Compile this into your ESP32 and then download Espressif official Android App or if you are using I-phone / I-Pad just search for “ESP-Mesh”
The Mesh devices are configured using Bluetooth so keep in mind to have this enabled on your device. Instead of taking the “WiFi Manager” Approach, using an App, you have the benefit that you can just send the WiFi Credentials plus configuration directly to the ESP32.

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