• Making an epdiy v7 Kaleido clone – Routing – part II

    Making an epdiy v7 Kaleido clone – Routing – part II

    In Part I of this series we described how to take an existing KiCad open source repository, fork it, and start making updates to customize the PCB.This PCB will be ultimately sent to fabrication using our trusted service of JLCPCB using their PCB Assembly service. My mission in this PCB project is to make a…

  • Making a epdiy v7 Kaleido clone – part I

    Making a epdiy v7 Kaleido clone – part I

    In this post we are going to clone the epdiy v7 Hardware repository and make a custom version to control a Eink Kaleido 6 inches display.The existing epdiy v7 can control this epaper already but we want to make a PCB clone specifically for this display, removing other connectors and adding additional ones for Touch…

  • epdiy V7 S3 parallel epaper controller

    epdiy V7 S3 parallel epaper controller

    I wanted to announce that the hardware for epdiy version 7, latest hardware for the project designed by Valentin Ronald, is ready to be tested. The original hardware you can find in the s3_lcd branch, this is my custom modified V7, that exposes 3 connectors: I’ve been testing also DES color epapers since I have…

  • New cases for the 9.7″ parallel displays and proposal for CLB Club

    New cases for the 9.7″ parallel displays and proposal for CLB Club

    This might be a continuation from the Cinwrite DEXA epaper controller that we designed just after partnering with Freddie from Good-Display.comThe idea is to prepare an open source Firmware that is ready to be used with different examples and two target controllers: 1 – DEXA-C097 from Good-Display needs additionally my Cinwrite ESP32-S3 SPI controller Optionally…

  • Compiling an ARM Linux kernel with EBC eink interface

    Compiling an ARM Linux kernel with EBC eink interface

    First of all the essentials which are clearly explained here: Build your first Linux kernel and make sure you have at least 8 GB free disk space .Please be aware that building your own Linux kernel needs to be done with care and it’s a risky operation where you might need to wipe everything if…

  • New Cinwrite SPI HAT for IT8951 parallel epaper controllers

    New Cinwrite SPI HAT for IT8951 parallel epaper controllers

    At the moment only available in Tindie Fasani Corporation store this PCB mission is to provide: This Cinwrite PCB is open source Hardware that you can explore and even adapt to your needs. The price is 45 USD since I only made 5 and otherwise it will be impossible to cover the costs. But it…

  • Moved to Barcelona

    Well it was hard, frustrating and a very tiring experience to say the least. But after finally signing a one year Contract for the apartment, and many “Nos” for other’s we’d liked, but we didn’t qualify since we do not have any spanish work…we are settling down nicely and already got high speed internet installed.Now…

  • LVGL to design UX interfaces on epaper

    LVGL to design UX interfaces on epaper

    lv_port_esp32-epaper is the latest successful attempt to design UX in C using Espressif ESP32.If you like the idea please hit the ★ in my repository fork.What is LVGL? LVGL stands for “Light and Versatile Graphics Library” and allows you to design an object oriented user interface in supported devices. So far it supports mostly TFT…

  • CALE.es hits first 100 users

    CALE.es hits first 100 users

    After almost one year on the run, my service to deliver images for epapers and TFT displays finally is starting to get some adoption. The idea was starting at the beginning of 2020 when the epapers and many great projects like EPDiy in hackaday started to be early adopted. Our ESP32 Firmware does 3 things…

  • Repurposing the MIDI protocol to control Led Matrixes

    Meet Remora-matrix a project that started with the idea to sniff MIDI messages and make simple visuals on a LED-Matrix. Our previous Firmware Remora was intended to receive short commands from ORCΛ and make very simple Neopixels animations on addressable LEDs stripes (WS2812B like)With this one I decided to go a step further and make…

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